عرض بوربوينت للوحدة الرابعة عشرة (قسم 4) انجليزي Super Goal 1 أول متوسط أ. نادية الغامدي
Unit 14
Let’s celebrate

! Avoid gathering
wear a mask before going out
! Social distancing is not a choice, it is a must
Keep a distance of 2 meters to avoid accountability
Wash hands constantly
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
……….. : Day
………: Date
Learning Goals
1. Write an invitation for a party
2. Search related words to celebrations
3. Make a research about other countries celebrations
A. Find 22 words in the word search that are related to celebrations 12 words across and 10 words down . Shade them with a pencil . Write the remaining letterss to find a hidden

B. Read the invitation to a graduation party. Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions with: who, what, where, when, and why.
? A: What was the celebration for
B : The graduation party is for Ahmed

C. Decide which holiday celebration you are going to write about in exercise D. Design an invitation to invite your friends to the celebration.
Holiday celebrations : Eid Al-fitr - Eid Al-adha – Saudi National Day
Other celebrations : Moving to a new house – having a new baby – engagements -
weddings – getting out of hospital ………etc.

Eid Celebration usually takes place in the house of the eldest of the family ( grandparents , parents, uncles….etc.) There is no invitation cards for these family gatherings it’s only a phone message or WhatsApp invitation cards like the ones below
D. Write about aholiday celebration in country . indude the date the clothing the food and special events or traditional practices Use vocabulary from the word Search and search and ideas from this unit
Eid al-Adha is an important religious holiday celebrated by Muslims all over the world. First it begins with a prayer followed by a sermon. Then Muslims sacrifice a goat, sheep, cow or camel, The meat is divided into three parts: one third for family, friends and neighbors, another third is stored and the other third is given to the poor and needy. Eid al-Adha is celebrated annually on the 10th day of of Dhu al-Hijjah the 12th month in the Islamic calendar. Eid al-Adha celebrations start after the Hajj, the annual pilgrimage to Mecca in Saudi Arabia by Muslims worldwide. In Eid all Muslims wear new clothes bought specially for this occasion usually the celebration takes place in the house of the eldest of the family ( grandparents , parents , uncles….etc.) with a big feast from the meat of the sacrificed animal. |
10 Project
Research a cele bration in another country . Present your findings to the class
Homework Page 114 G
Answer yes or no
1. no Kuwait celebrates two national holidays on the same day
2. yes Turkey celebrates two national holidays on the same day
3. yes National Day in Saudi Arabia is celebrated on September 23rd
4. no Countries around the world have national holidays on the same day
5. yes In many countries, people celebrate their national holidays in the streets