عرض بوربوينت انجليزي Super Goal 2 Unit 12 Grammar ثاني متوسط أ. أسماء المجلاد

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عرض بوربوينت انجليزي Super Goal 2 Unit 12 Grammar ثاني متوسط أ. أسماء المجلاد

It’s Going to Be Fun



1- Use Be going to carrectly

2- Write sentences by using Be going to 

3- Use Information question 

Warm up 

My father going to retire at the end of the year

He is not going to study tonight

 ?What comes before going to

 ? What comes after going to

? When do we use going to

 ? What comes before going to


? What comes before going to

(the base form of the verb)

? When do we use going to

(when we talk about future)

Forming Questions

Information Qustions 

A. Add the question words . Match the questions and the answers 

a. in a beauitful hotel 

b. To their parents 

c. They re going to take a bus 

d. You re going to arrive in the moring 

f. Hes going to rest 

1    Which suitcase are you going to take ?e

2- …….? are they going to  travel ………..

3- …….? is the going to do when he arrives……

4-  ……? are they going to write to …….

5- ……?  are we going to stay  ……

6- ……?  are we going to get there ……..



Choose Your gift

See you next flight


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