عرض بوربوينت انجليزي Unit 10: Who Used My Toothpaste? Listen and Discuss ثالث متوسط أ. أسماء المجلاد

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عرض بوربوينت انجليزي Unit 10: Who Used My Toothpaste? Listen and Discuss ثالث متوسط أ. أسماء المجلاد


?  Used my toothpaste 

Listen and discuss

By : Asma Almjlad

 ? Whish of the problems in the pictures happen in your family 

“Your Freedom Ends Where Mine Begins”

 ? What do you think that means

Do you have a similar situation in your family

complaint is something that annoys other people regularly

 ? What do you think complaint

I don’t like when someone

starts talking while I’m talking

Ihate when people chew the gum in public


dishwashing liquidscissors
toothpastehair dryer
complaintnail polish

 ? What is the boy sitting at the table doing

 ? What is he using to do the work

 ? is the relationship between the two boys

 ? Who is talking

 ? What are they talking about

 ? Who is probably responsible for cleaning up the room

 ? Who is the mother talking to

 ? Is it before or after dinner

 ? How do you know

 ? Why is she annoyed

? Who is talking

 ? What is the son doing

 ? What does the father think of the noise

? What does he want his son to do

 ? Who is talking

 ? What is the boy asking about

 ? Has the girl fed the goldfish

 ? Who is talking

? What do sisters often argue about

 ? What are the sisters talking about


 ? Why is the brother annoyed

 ? What is the mother doing with the remote control

 ? Who is annoying the older sister

Common Complaints in Families 

Many families list the same complaints Here are some common ones 

Leaving dirty clothes and shoes all around the house 

Using someone elses hairbrush 

Splashing toothpaste all over the bathroom mirror 

Borrowing things and not asking first 

Not cleaning your room 

Spending  a lot of time in the bathroom 

Playing the TV or video games very loudly

Common Complaints in Families 

Many families list the same complaints Here are some common ones 

Leaving dirty clothes and shoes all around the house 

Using someone elses hairbrush 

Splashing toothpaste all over the bathroom mirror 

Borrowing things and not asking first 

Not cleaning your room 

Spending  a lot of time in the bathroom 

Playing the TV or video games very loudly

Quick Check

A. Vocabulary . Complete the expressions based on the pictures

1- ?  Have you done the dishes yet

2- Have you fed the goldfish yet

3-. Icant stand  listening to that game  any more 

4-  ? Who usedmy toothpaste 

B. Comprehension . Answer the questions about the pictures 

1-  ? Why hasnt the boy done the dishes yet

There’s no dishwashing liquid and he was doing his homework

2-  ? What cant the father stand 

He can’t stand listening to the video game

3- ? What has the girl just given the fish 

She has just given the fish some food

4-  ? What should the sister do after she uses the hair dryer 

She should put the hair dryer away


What do you do when you know that your brother starts smoking

Send your complaint


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