عرض بوربوينت انجليزي Unit 10: Who Used My Toothpaste? Language in Context ثالث متوسط أ. أسماء المجلاد
? Who Used my toothpaste

List annoying things using can’t stand
produce the different sounds of vowels followed by r
يقول الله تعالى : (( وَلَوْ كُنْتَ فَظًّا غَلِيظَ الْقَلْبِ لَانْفَضُّوا مِنْ حَوْلِكَ 159 )) سورة عمران 159
? What kinds of things really bother you
? Do people who don’t wait their turn in line irritate. You
? Do any of these things really bother you

? Does this annoy you a little, a lot, or not at all? Why
? Has this kind of thing ever happened to you
? What kinds of things really bother you
? Where were you
? Do any of these things really bother you
7 About You
1- ? Do you have obligations at home ? What do you have to do
2- Do members of your family share household chores
3- ? Do you share a room ? if yes do you have any problems
4- ? Do other family members use your things ? What things
5- ? What things shouldnt you share
6-? What things do you think it is possible to share
7- What do you think are the most common problems of people sharing the same sp
8- ? What can people do to avoid having thses problems

? Who Used My Toothpaste 4
4 Language in Context
Mark the that annoy you
then compare your list with a partner
Icant stand it when it when people
Show up late ………
dont put things away ……..
dont give back what they borrowed ………
dont clean up after meals ……….
dont take out the garbage ……….
Use up all the milk sugar etc ……..
5 Listening
Ken and jake are away at coliege
Listen and make the thing the miss from home

List five of annoying things

7 About You
1- ? Do you have obligations at home ? What do you have to do
2- Do members of your family share household chores
3- ? Do you share a room ? if yes do you have any problems
4- ? Do other family members use your things ? What things
5- ? What things shouldnt you share
6-? What things do you think it is possible to share
7- What do you think are the most common problems of people sharing the same sp
8- ? What can people do to avoid having thses problems