عرض بوربوينت انجليزي Unit 10: Who Used My Toothpaste? Reading ثالث متوسط أ. أسماء المجلاد
By Asma Almjlad

? Why do you think he keeps saying like
? What is the teenager saying in the picture at the top of the page
? What complaint do you think this picture shows
? What is the person doing in the picture at thebottom of the page
? where would you see this reading

?What does the person mean by The word takes the place of intelligence

? Do telemarketers ever call you
? What is a telemarketer

?What is the polite thing to do when a person enters a door and there is someone else behind him/her
? What are examples of disabilities

What do you do when someone stand In front of you during the last 30 S of football game
Do you agree with any of these ? complaints ? Which ones
After Reading
A. Match the two word verbs with thier meanings
a. learn | D . let out |
b. let some one have | A. find out |
c. phone | E. clean up |
d. express yourself freely | F . give back |
e. make things neat | C. call up |
f. return | B. give up |
Write 3 expression that mean ( to irritate )
magnetic strategy
Piece of cake
get under your skin
Break the ice
drive you crazy
C. Answer true or false about the complaints the fonun
1- T pepole taking on cell phones in publc places
2- F pepole on a det
3- T people who dont wait their turn
4- F pepole who do the dishers right after a meal
5- F pepole using an escalatcr instead of the stairs
1-? Which of the things listed in the Reading do you think show bad manners
2-? Compare and discuss your complaints with your classmates
3- ? What is the most common complaint in your class
add your complaint to the list

HOMe work
Do Not
by completing, you tell people how weak you are