مذكرة تعبير لغة انجليزية ثاني متوسط الفصل الثالث أ. نوره الغامدي
9 Writing
SG2 U12
Page 112
c. Write an email to a friend from a place that you know or would like to visit. Use your notes from the chart and ideas from this unit.
A place to Visit Your Favorite Vacation Place

Guiding questions
1.?Where are you going to go on vacation
2.? Who are you going to go with
3. ? What are you going to do
4. ? What is your favorite place to visit? why
I am going to go to Abhа to visit my grandmother. I am going to go with my family. We are going to ride cable cars and climb the mountains. My favorite place to visit is Abhа dam lake because it is a beautiful and wonderful place.
9 Writing
SG2 U13
Page 120
Cuiding Questions
The Weather in a place you would like to visit

1.? What's the weather like in your city
2. ?What activities do you do then
3.? how does the weather affect your feelings
4.? What is your favorite weather? Why
The weather in Abhа is cold and rainy. I can do some fun activities like playing board games, read a bok or watch a film. The cold weather makes me feel good. I can also enjoy the fresh smell of rain. I like warm weather because it is springtime so I can walk and see flowers everywhere. |
I like to be outside and feel the rain on my skin.
I like the smell of the rain ; I love watching the rain fall out my window. and i it just looks so nice. And I like the cold weather. It's lovely and relaxing.
9 Writing
SG2 U13
Page 120
Cuiding Questions
The Weather in a place you would like to visit

1.? What's the weather like in your city
2. ?What activities do you do then
3.? how does the weather affect your feelings
4.? What is your favorite weather? Why
The weather in Jeddah is sunny. I can do some fun activities like swimming and sunbathing. The sunny weather makes me feel more active. I like sunny weather because it gives me more energy and I can see the shiny sun |
In sunny weather all nature such as trees and flowers look very fresh. JEDDAh and I feel refreshed looking at them.

I enjoy hot weather. There are more things to do when it's sunny. I love swimming and sunbathing.
9 Writing
SG2 U14
Page 128
Doing Favors for People
1- ? how do you feel about doing favors for people
2- ? What could you do to help others
3. ? Who are you going to help and why
4. ? Why would you enjoy doing favors
I feel proud when I do a favor for people. I can hold the door or elevator for someone. Check in on an elderly neighbor or bring dinner to someone who has been facing illness or a tough time. Buy food for a homeless person. I find that lending a hand is really enjoyable and most people I help are grateful. |
9 Writing
SG2 U15
Page 136
A. Look at the event on diagram What news story so this unit

D. Summarize one of the news stories in the unit in your own words. Use your notes from the event chair diagram. Write your own headline for the story
a Summary of a Story Sleep in the Elevator Robert was delivering a pizza. The elevator broke down and he was trapped inside. Robert didn't panic. he ate the pizza and fell asleep. Then the building manager came to fix the elevator and he found Robert asleep inside. |
9 Writing
SG2 U16
Page 144
Someone's Exiting Life or Your Extreme Sport and Activity.
Someone who has had an Exiting life
?c. Write about someone who you think has had an exciting life Explain why .What has the person done
1. ?What are your extreme sports or activity
2. ?how often do you do these extreme sports or activity
3.? What extreme sport/ activity is popular in your country
4.? Why do you like this extreme sport activity
An Exiting Life These are the exciting things Fatima has done. Fatima has ridden camels and raced Arabian horses. She has also climbed to Soda Mountain. Of course, she is careful." Safety comes first," She always says. Before she does any extreme or dangerous activity, she first learns about it. Then she trains with expert instructors. |
9 Writing
SG2 U16
Page 144
=action or adventure sports
a high risk, speed, natural challenges, and physical struggle.
?c. Wite about someone who you think has had an exciting life. Explain why .What has the person done
1. ?What are your extreme sports or activity
2. ?how often do you do these extreme sports or activity
3.? What extreme sport/ activity is popular in your country
4. ?Why do you like this extreme sport activity
My Extreme Sport and Activity
I like desert adventure sports, so my extreme sport or activity is quad biking in Jeddah desert. I often go two times a month. Dune bashing is popular in my country. I like quad biking because I can see the most beautiful landscape around. |
I really like that feeling of flying and it gives me a sense of freedom. Actually, I like many extreme sports, but this is my favorite.